
Planting trees on a budget

When you are on a limited budget to landscape your yard, start with few young trees. They make a huge difference by transforming a barren yard by adding visible life to your yard. Young trees adapt to the new environment much quicker and grow faster than mature trees that cost more. Another way to improve your garden is to start planting cuttings from other trees in between your young plants.

In order to get year round green in the yard, you can plant variety of cuttings of deciduous shrubs and broad-leaf evergreens. It is a simple process to establish cuttings and cost less than young or mature trees. The best time to take cuttings for replanting is the summer time when deciduous trees deliver semi-hardwood branches for cuttings. Some trees produce good cuttings during late fall when branches are harden further and deliver woody cuttings. Whatever the time you choose for cuttings make sure they are from the last year’s growth and the cuttings are at least six inches long. Make sure each cutting contain a dormant bud. Dip the cutting in rooting hormone and shake excess. Plant them in a plastic container in a mixture of sand and potting soil. This allows water to drain.

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