
Why Bamboo Makes Such Great Flooring

Floor options these days are numerous and each choice (i.e. wood, concrete, tile, etc.) carries choices within it. Although you may think you’ve considered all the viable options out there, you haven’t if you haven’t considered bamboo. Keep reading to find out why bamboo flooring is such a great option.

First and foremost, bamboo stands out aesthetically. Though it may remind you of hardwood floors, you’ll immediately notice you’re looking at something totally different. Any room with bamboo floors automatically has a style all its own.

It’s easy to draw a bamboo flooring comparison to steel. While you wouldn’t use steel for your floors, you might be interested to know that bamboo has a similar tensile strength.

Solid bamboo flooring is not only strong, it’s sustainable. One of the reasons bamboo has been so admired over the centuries is how fast it can grow. By the time you finish installing your bamboo floor, rest assured another plant will be on its way to replace it. So, unlike other wood options, you can breathe easy knowing your choice isn’t ruining an ecosystem.

Just like any other option, bamboo floors have their own specific needs in terms of care and maintenance. That being said, it isn’t any greater than that of other options. And for the same amount of work, you get a truly beautiful choice beneath your feet.

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