
Cool roofs are the way to go

royalroofing1The concept of cool roofs has become very popular in recent times. Although this has happened mainly due to rising electricity charges rather than a concern for the environment, it is nevertheless a good trend indeed.

In the summer, your roof can absorb a lot of heat. This in turn radiates through to the house and, along with the heat absorbed by the walls, can make your house an extremely warm place. Sadly this effect can continue into the night as there is no way for the heat to be transferred out quickly.This leads to only one solution and that is air conditioning. Unfortunately, air conditioners consume a large amount of electricity and you can be left with a huge electricity bill by the end of summer.

One way you can avoid this is to change the way your roof reacts to the sun. An interesting option would be to turn your roof into and above ground garden. However, maintain this could be difficult for you if you do not have the time. A simpler option would be to install a variety of roof tiles that reflect the heat and not absorb it. This makes roof maintenance a much easier job and you will not have to worry about anything happening to your roof. If you are interested in converting to this option, contact your local roofing contractor and get his or her advice.There are many color options to choose from as well, so it’s an option well worth thinking about.

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