Business Services

How Advertising Affects Consumer Behavior

From both a sociological and business perspective, it can be fascinating to study the ways advertising affects consumer behavior. While seeing an advertisement can have many different quantifiable effects, advertising has a few crucial effects that business owners should take note of.

As a business executive, Kye Giscombe has overseen companies such as Cosmo Horizon, Contact Sports, Inc., and Estate Law Center. Kye Giscombe comments, “Advertising is an essential tool in any entrepreneur’s arsenal because of the ways it makes consumers more receptive to the products and services you are selling. It accomplishes this by increasing awareness of your brand, informing consumers about the benefits of your product, and persuading people to buy your product or service.”

All of these effects create a loop that prepares consumers to engage with your brand. While not every potential consumer will pay for your product after seeing an advertisement, many people may eventually become customers after learning about your company. If they are aware of the benefits your products have to offer, they may remember your advertisement when they need your product the most and make a purchase at that moment. For many others, simply seeing how your product fulfills their needs will persuade them to make a purchase right away.

Kye Giscombe advises, “You don’t have to expect customers to sign up for your services right away. Educating them about your product or service is just as important as persuading them to pay for it. One of the biggest obstacles to gaining new customers is people not understanding how your product works. Informative advertisements can remove that barrier and make it easier to influence skeptical consumers into becoming regular customers.

He also comments, “Advertisements should also be repeated every once in a while. Consumers can easily forget your product if they have only seen one advertisement, but continued exposure will keep your product at the forefront of their minds.”